Hello! I’m Mizuki Takahashi, a first-year master’s student. I would like to share the report of the field surveys conducted in Shizugawa Bay in July and August 2024. Continuing from the previous news, here is a report on the survey in Shizugawa Bay, but I expect to have more reports from more fields this year, so please look forward to it!
This was a joint survey with Kurihara Lab, University of the Ryukyus, and Nakamura sensei, Miyagi (M1), and Takahashi (M1) from Nakamura Lab participated. The main contents of the survey were water quality survey in the bay and rivers, maintenance of sensors, and installation of ADCPs (ultrasonic velocimeters).
・Water quality survey in bay and rivers/湾内・河川の水質調査
Water samples were collected and AAQ water quality surveys were conducted in the rivers flowing into Shizugawa Bay and in the bay. The collected water samples will be brought back to the lab for analysis of nutrients and other parameters. At the same time as water sampling, we measured the concentration of radon, a radioactive isotope, and attempted to estimate the amount of groundwater discharge.
・Installation of ADCPs /ADCPの設置
ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) is a current profiler that uses the Doppler effect of ultrasonic waves (the sound waves are reflected by suspended particles in the water and the frequency of the returned sound changes) to obtain multi-layered current profiles with a single unit. This data is used to validate the accuracy of the model being developed in the laboratory. Nakamura sensei dove down and set it up in the low water temperature. Thank you so much!!!
ADCP(Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler)とは、超音波のドップラー効果(発信された音波が水中の浮遊懸濁物で反射し、戻ってくる音に周波数の変化が生じる)を利用した計測方法により、1台で多層の流速プロファイルを取得できるという流速計です。このデータは研究室で開発を進めているモデルの精度検証のために使用されます。
And we too enjoyed the seafood from Shizugawa. We had heard rumors about it from our seniors, but it was so wonderful.そして、私たちも志津川の海の幸を堪能させていただきました。先輩方から噂には聞いていましたが、とても素晴らしかったです。
The Shizugawa team will be back in a few months for another field survey. Next time it will be colder and seafood will be in season….putting aside my feelings, we will continue our research even more!
宿のKimi くん