Shizugawa Bay Field Survey 2023

Hello! I’m Masa Muto, a second-year master’s student. I would like to share the report of the field surveys conducted in Shizugawa Bay in July and November 2023. This was again a joint survey with the Sakamaki Lab at Tohoku University and the Kurihara Lab at the University of the Ryukyus. Nakamura sensei, Jorge (D3), Okumura (M2), and Muto (M2) participated from the Nakamura Lab.



さて,今回は2023年7月と11月に実施した志津川湾フィールド調査について報告したいと思います.今回も東北大・坂巻研、琉球大・栗原研との合同調査で、中村研からは中村先生、Jorge (D3)、奥村 (M2)、武藤(M2)が参加しました。

Shizugawa Bay, located in Minamisanriku-cho, Miyagi Prefecture is a semi-enclosed bay where aquaculture is one of the major industries. On the other hand, there are external impacts such as inflow of freshwater, nutrients, organic matter, and sediment from land, resulting in a complex flow and water quality environment in the bay. In particular, when nutrient inflows increase, phytoplankton and other organisms become active, and the production of organic matter such as detritus (organic matter derived from organisms such as plant fragments and carcasses) increases. Such organic matter eventually settles to the seafloor and is decomposed by microorganisms and benthic organisms in the bottom sediments. The decomposition process consumes oxygen in the bottom layer, and too much organic matter can have a serious impact on organisms because it depletes oxygen, resulting in a hypoxic state. In this sense, it is very important to understand the decomposition process of organic matter and material dynamics in marine sediments.


Organic matter cycle in marine sediment

In addition, oysters have calcium carbonate shells and those are vulnerable to the ocean acidification as well as coral. Nakamura Lab is conducting research to visualize the environmental dynamics in closed bays through scenario analysis based on numerical simulations that integrate various impacts, and aims to utilize for sustainable ways of fishery resources.


夏の調査【summer : 27th Jul – 1st Aug】

  • Water and Sediment samples / 湾内の水質調査および底質調査(東北大)

We conducted a board survey and collected samples to measure dissolved oxygen, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), organic matter content, and bentos content of bottom sediment. Additionally we obtained water quality data from water samples and AAQ. The wave was luckily calm and the work at 50 sites went smoothly. 船舶調査を実施し,バンドーン採水やAAQでの水質調査のほか,底質(セディメント)の溶存酸素,酸化還元電位,有機物含有量,ベントス量などを測定するためのサンプルを採取しました.50地点というハードなスケジュールでしたが,湾内の波は穏やかで順調に作業が進められました.

  • Sensor Maintenance / センサーメインテナンス

Water temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO) sensors which were installed on the ropes of the oyster farm were cleaned. 牡蠣養殖場のロープに長期で設置している水温や溶存酸素(DO)などのセンサーのメインテナンスを行いました.

  • River Survey / 河川水質調査(琉球大,東工大)

We drove around the river basin that flows into Shizugawa Bay and conducted water quality surveys using water sampling and AAQ. 志津川湾に流入する河川の流域を車で回り,採水やAAQによる水質調査を実施しました.

Fireworks across the Bay!

冬の調査【winter : 27th – 30th Nov】

  • Sediment Survey with Diving / 湾内の水質調査および底質調査(主に武藤の修論用)

It was 3ºC in the air and 14ºC in the water. We dive under the oyster farm in wetsuits and it was super cold! (now it became a good memory). We sampled bottom water and collected sediment cores using 30cm PVC pipes. After bringing the core back to the lab, the pore water in each layer was extracted to measure nutrient concentrations and dissolved carbon (DOC) concentrations. Additionally, we attempt to measure the redox potential (ORP) of the sediment cores in the depth direction with a hand-made platinum electrode. These measurement data were used to validate the sediment model under development.


  • River Survey / 河川水質調査(琉球大,東工大)

And the secret pleasure of the Shizugawa Bay survey is, of course, the wonderful seafood!The meals at the accommodation were always full of seafood, and were ridiculously delicious! そして志津川湾調査の密かな楽しみはなんといっても,素晴らしい海の幸が堪能できることです!宿のご飯はいつもいつも海鮮盛りだくさんで,本当に美味しかったです.

Nakamura Lab has a wide range of themes about coastal environment and ecosystems. Stay tuned for the upcoming progress! 中村研はサンゴ礁のみならず,沿岸環境や生態系を中心に幅広くテーマを持っています.今後の成果にもぜひご期待ください!


カテゴリー: 研究紹介, 調査 | コメントする

サンゴ礁学会に参加しました – JCRS2023



中村先生 口頭発表

カテゴリー: 学会・会議 | コメントする

InCORE coral rehabilitation project

The Nakamura lab partners with the Kajima Corporation, Aklan State University, and the University of the Philippines Visayas for the Integrated Approach for Coral Reef Conservation and Rehabilitation using Ecosystem Modeling and CORAL NET (InCORE) Project!

The InCORE project is a coral reef rehabilitation project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Tangalan, Aklan, Philippines. As the project is still new, initial meetings and recon work are the current priority. So from February 23 to 28, Nakamura -sensei and two members of the lab went to Tangalan to meet with its partners, and the local government to set the primary objectives of the project, and to do the initial fieldwork for the project.

From left to right: Nakamura-sensei, Dr. Yamaki from Kajima Corp., Mayor Fuentes of Tangalan, Dr. Takasuna from Kajima Corp., and Nadaoka-sensei

Nakamura-sensei gave a short lecture on numerical simulations of coral reef modeling.

We were joined by contingents from the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) led by Dr. Wilfredo Campos and Aklan State University (ASU) led by Dr. Yasmin Tirol. The meeting was fruitful, with the objectives set and Mayor Fuentes of Tangalan assisting us with the necessary equipment and manpower for the coastal fieldwork in the coming days.

The first activity is coastal water sampling along Tangalan cove. To do sampling on a small boat was very difficult, and since it rained in the morning, the waves were rough. But, we powered through the seasickness and were able to collect the necessary water to be transported to the lab!

The second activity is to install long-term sensors for the suitable areas for the CORAL NET. With the help of Tangalan’s Bantay Dagat , professional divers employed by Tangalan, and Dr. Ryan Basina of ASU, we were also able to install a sensor set underwater!

The third and final activity is to do river water sampling to understand the input water to the sea. During this activity, it was raining as Aklan was experiencing heavy rains and strong winds from a low-pressure area. !

We also celebrated Nakamura-sensei’s birthday!

It was a hectic schedule partnered with unstable weather, but we were able to do most of our objectives in this fieldwork. We were tired, but it was really worth it as the coral reef in Tangalan is expansive and beautiful! We are looking forward to the next part of the project! We are also looking forward to eat more sisig , sinigang , and sugba soon!


カテゴリー: InCORE | コメントする

Ishigaki Island – Field Survey 2022

After several years of pandemic and remote work, university activities have been gradually returning to normal, including fieldwork!

Ishigaki survey’s team 2022

From September 6th to 26th 2022, we, a group of nine students from Nakamura Lab went to Ishigaki Island for the first time, while Nakamura-sensei returned to the island after almost three years of travel restrictions, and Ahmed-san after six years! During this time, we were able to finally visit our study sites, recognize the main characteristics of the island, explore the mangroves of the Fukido River, swim over the Shiraho Reef, learn new sampling techniques, and work on our individual research projects.

Of course, it was not easy. We survived 20 days of hard daily work, including some days sheltering from typhoon Muifa, which passed just above us on September 12th.

Strong winds at Shiraho beach

As the rainy season and typhoons favor the discharge of nutrients and sediment through rivers into the sea, it was a good opportunity to take water samples at different points of the Todoroki and Miyara rivers and keep track of the changes during and after the typhoon.

Comparison of Todoroki and Miyara rivers, before and after the typhoon

And since huge fringing reefs surround Ishigaki Island, we did not miss the opportunity to explore the coral communities by snorkeling and freediving. The reef extension and the diversity of fish and marine invertebrates are amazing! Unfortunately, we also recognized considerable damage due to coral bleaching .

The main research topics in the field survey were:

The terrestrial survey , to update the existing hydrological datasets, including impacts of typhoons on river discharge and sediment. We also retrieved precipitation gauges and sensors previously deployed in wells and hydraulic control structures (ie weirs).

The coastal area survey , where seepage meters were installed alongside multiple nutrient sampling sites to study the interaction between groundwater and nearshore areas. By using seepage meters, we can collect groundwater (freshwater) thanks to the density difference between seawater and freshwater. Thus, it needs to be installed in the sea.

We also deployed drones to map the coastal area and its thermal distribution to use it as a proxy to understand how freshwater intrusion varies on a spatio-temporal scale. In the pictures below, groundwater discharge can be observed on the surface of the coastal area. In the pictures below, groundwater discharge can be observed on the surface of the coastal area.

The remote sensing survey , to collect and update and validate the remotely sensed data set of the laboratory. The Remote Sensing Team (RST) faced a lot of challenges in this field survey. Since the data had to be obtained at the same time, the team designed new equipment that would be able to carry all sensors (turbidity, Chlorophyll- a , dissolved oxygen (DO), and salinity sensors), as well as a sonar and a spectrometer. The RST transported then the floating device swimming over the transects. Although there were many obstacles, such as changing tides and high waves, everything went according to plan.

The (not so) remote sensing setup

Transect at Shiraho Reef (Nakamura Line)

Phytoplankton incubation experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of nutrients derived from terrestrial human activities, such as agriculture and cattle husbandry, on coral reef ecosystems. For this, we collected water samples from the Shiraho Reef area and prepared microcosm experiments to test the impact of Nitrate and Phosphate in the phytoplankton community. The experiment was conducted for six days, where daily samples of phytoplankton, nutrients, and Chl- a were taken.

Phytoplankton sampling

The drone survey was done using the lab’s Phantom Pro and Mavic Enterprise drones. This operation, while dangerous to carry out in coastal areas, was necessary to map out areas that are difficult to reach. Since the research of one of the members involve using machine learning, extensive drone missions were carried out in multiple areas. In addition to their use for research, these drone missions were also used for reconnaissance and area monitoring. For example, a separate drone mission was carried out to monitor mangrove leaf color conditions.

In the Fukido mangrove survey, we aimed to  evaluate the factors responsible for mangrove forest health, such as water level, salinity, and nutrient concentrations. We used drones to record the percentage of yellow leaves in the forest to use it as a proxy for environmental conditions.

A quick mangrove-ecology diagram

In summary, although the field survey had its difficult challenges, it was a great experience for all of us. We returned to Tokyo with a lot of data and a lot of work ahead, but above all, with great memories!

Until next time,

-The Ishigaki team 2022

カテゴリー: 未分類 | Ishigaki Island – Field Survey 2022 はコメントを受け付けていません







河川流量と地下水流量の測定を行うことで、淡水流入量を測定しました。       特に地下水流量の測定には自作のシーページメーターを用いました。         砂浜に設置し海水と淡水の密度の差によって淡水だけが測定できるらしい、、

海底測定はセンサーを持ちながら海を泳いで行いました。              私自身シュノーケリングは小学生以来2回目ということもあり、体調万全で臨みましたが2度が限界でした 😥                                                                                                                      サンゴ礁はもちろんのことカラフルな魚をたくさん見ることができました!




虫刺され対策のため真夏に長袖長ズボンで調査を行ったので、非常に暑かったです。。。 しかし、お邪魔している立場にもかかわらず、数多くのお宅で飲み物や食べ物を振る舞っていただきました。非常にありがたかったです!(サーターアンダギーがめちゃくちゃおいしかった)




カテゴリー: 調査 | コメントする












カテゴリー: 調査 | コメントする



中村研は,新たにB4の学生を3名,M1が4名(うち 2名は内部進学),D1に1名,研究生1名を迎え,新体制でスタートしました!




現地調査の後はみんな大好きなお世話になっている民宿 津の宮荘さんの晩ご飯!

琉球大学 栗原先生,ライラさん,東北大学 坂巻先生,現地の漁師や民宿 津の宮荘の方々,中村先生,今回もありがとうございました!

カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントする







左図 引用元:

調査初日を予定していた24日が生憎の悪天候であったため船を出すことができず,各種センサーの準備と船を出さずに行える水位計の設置のみを行い,民宿 津の宮荘さんへと向かいました。





初めての現地調査かつ船上活動だったため,出発前はとても心配でしたが,船酔いすることもなく無事に帰ってくることができたのでよかったです!琉球大学 栗原先生,東北大学 坂巻先生,現地の漁師や民宿 津の宮荘の方々,そして中村先生 本当にありがとうございました!

カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントする



本記事は、この出張の報告レポートになります。が、前回投稿はなんと二年前 😥 。











そして、出張後半はお待ちかねのフィールド調査です。私は、シュノーケリングが初めてということでドキドキしていましたが、一度海水を飲み込めば、シュノーケルの使い方は習得できました(味噌汁の10倍しょっぱかったです 😯 )。








カテゴリー: 未分類, 調査 | コメントする






中国出身のLiu君が火鍋(hot pot)の素を持ってきてくれ、本場のお鍋をいただいたのが今回のハイライトでしょうか。




カテゴリー: 未分類 | コメントする